Ep. 189: Hopped-Up Joe

Joe Mastrorocco’s journey in the beer industry began at Uinta Brewing Co., where he dedicated many years honing his craft and contributing to the company’s success. His tenure at Uinta allowed him to immerse himself in the art and science of brewing, gaining invaluable experience and expertise along the way. However, Joe’s passion for the world of beer didn’t stop there. A fortuitous opportunity led him to Roy Farms, a renowned establishment specializing in the cultivation of exceptional hops. Embracing this new role, Joe found himself deeply involved in the production of high-quality hops, an integral ingredient that contributes to the rich flavors of craft beers worldwide. With his profound knowledge of brewing and his commitment to quality, Joe’s presence at Roy Farms continued to have a positive impact on the brewing community at large.

Joe Mastrorocco’s connection to the world of craft beer extends beyond his professional expertise. His genuine love for the industry and his community is palpable in every interaction. Whether sharing insights about brewing techniques, discussing the nuances of different beer styles, or simply engaging in conversations about the joys of community gatherings around a pint, Joe’s enthusiasm is infectious. His presence has an uncanny ability to bring people together, fostering a sense of camaraderie among fellow beer enthusiasts. Joe’s journey from Uinta Brewing Co. to his role at Roy Farms not only highlights his dedication to the art of brewing but also underscores his profound impact on the beer community, where his passion and warmth continue to be felt by all those lucky enough to be around him.