Embarking on a journey that transcends the ordinary, Chris Cross’s story weaves through the skies and spirits, leaving an indelible mark on both. Having once soared amidst the clouds as a fearless aviator within the Navy, Chris’s path has gracefully transitioned from the cockpit to the captivating world of distillation. Nestled in the serene embrace of Eden, Utah, New World Distillery stands as a testament to his unwavering spirit and creative vision. With a heart brimming with passion, Chris & his team masterfully crafts each elixir using not only local ingredients but a symphony of dedication and love, inviting enthusiasts to savor the essence of his laborious journey in every sip.
New World Distillery emerges as an alchemical haven where time-honored traditions meld harmoniously with the contemporary. Chris’s relentless pursuit of excellence, cultivated through his passion and a desire for innovation, resonates in every bottle he unveils. As the sun sets over the picturesque landscapes of Eden, the distillery comes alive, offering libations that speak of history, adventure, and the profound connection between the elements and the human spirit. In each meticulously curated blend, New World Distillery invites all to partake in an experience that transcends the realms of mere taste, beckoning one and all to share in the rich tapestry of his life’s odyssey, bottled and poured for our framily to cherish.
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