Ep. 169: Chris Jacobs – The Nikerym Brewer

On this Episode, we sit down with an individual who has humble beginning and has been in the Utah Brewing scene for quite some time. For those who may not know, Chris Jacobs has learned from some of the greats that Utah (and California) has to offer. With a background far from beer, Chris was quickly enticed and fell down the ‘rabbit hole’ that is Craft Beer.

Tune in to hear more of the behind the scenes of what makes Chris such an incredible father, brewer, and all around gentleman! With knowledge and experience, Chris is someone who you need to have a conversations with.

Ep. 168: Framily Home Evening – March Pairing

On this Episode, join us as we sit down and take you through a hand chosen Craft Beer & Craft Pastry Pairing. This event is illustrated by pastries from Sweet Vinyl Bakeshop paired with beers from Bewilder Brewing, Shades Brewing, Level Crossing and Strap Tank Brewery.

With Libby Taylor as the Mastermind of Family Home Evening, we sit down along side Mikey Ridel (Utah Beer Blog) as we taste and break down one of the coolest events in Utah. Listen as our palates begin prompt elaborate flavors with the products made in our framily.

Ep. 167: Salt Flats Brewers w/ Eric, Karson & Elizabeth

On this Episode, we sit down with the current Brew Team at Salt Flats Brewing Co. Lead by Eric Buehner, Salt Flats has been fine tuning and becoming better than ever! With Karson and Elizabeth assisting, Salt Flats Brewery is turning heads and crafting beautiful brews.

Tune in to hear a more in depth story of who these three artists are, how they started in the Brewing Industry, and what they have in store for Salt Flats Brewery. Keep an out for new beer and collaborations coming from the Salt Flats Team!

Ep. 164: Greg Schoenwolf – The Bearded Swan

On this Episode, one of the most genuine humans within the Utah’s Community, Greg Schoenwolf, joins us as we hear more of his story. For any and all who come in contact with Greg will immediately feel a sense of love and appreciation.

Tune in to learn more of Greg’s journey as it takes him from “Plie” to being a loving husband & father and everything in between. You can catch Greg slinging bier within the walls of TF Brewing in SLC or embarking of craft Mead within the walls of his home.

Ep. 161: Andrew Tendick – The Proper Way

On this Episode, we are joined by Becca Cardaccio as we get to know the owner of Proper Brewing Co., Andrew Tendick. Andrew has been behind the scenes since day one. Bringing his love of beer and skills within culinary art world has help propel Proper into the successful team it is today.

Tune in as we learn more of an in depth look at Proper Brewing Moab! Look out Moab, Proper is coming to you and ready to serve you as a true Community beer hot spot! Grand Opening of Proper Brewing Moab is February 10, 2023. Exciting things happening within Proper Brewing as Becca & Andrew share more future endeavors within the world of Proper.

Ep. 160: Bewilder’s 3 Year Anniversary Stab

On this Episode, we sit down and celebrate the 3 Year Anniversary of Bewilder Brewing Co. Join us as we talk with so many throughout Utah’s Craft Fermentation Industry while we “Stacheln” beers all day long!

The Tastemasters Team would like to thank all who were willing to be a part of this event/recording, for the beers who were stabbed, and for Bewilder Brewing for creating a spot for all of us to commune and celebrate! Cheers! Prost! Salud! Skal! Cin Cin! Kanpai!

Ep. 159: What’s An Australian Sparkling Ale?!

What is an Australian Sparkling Ale? Well, on this Episode, we introduce a style of beer that is not common along the Western side of the States. Categorized as a “Pale Commonwealth Beer” by the BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program), this Australian beer has records of being brewed since the 19th Century. Similar to an English Pale Ale, but showcasing the signature yeast strain & hop variety.

Tune in to hear from some of the brewers of Proper Brewing Co. and Strap Tank Brewery on coming together for a collaborative effort to make this historic and unique beer from “Down Under.”

Ep. 156: Tanner Lenart – Utah’s Liquor Lawyer

On this Episode, we are hosted by Scion Cider Bar with Co-Host Elisabeth Osmeloski. We sit down with Utah’s Liquor Lawyer, Tanner Lenart. Tanner is a trick of many trades. From crafting with her hands, educating individuals on Utah’s law, to flying a plane for fun!

Tune in to learn more about Tanner and what she has done for our Community. It is nice to have her on our side! This one is one for the ages!

Ep. 153: Patrick Wong – Wong Colored Glasses

On this Episode, we are joined by Melissa Diaz as we delve into the world of an experienced Brewer, Patrick Wong! Patrick has been traveling around to enhance his love for crafting of beer. From the Irish seas to the Chinese proverbs, Patrick’s influences comes from all paths of life. Brewing within Texas, Nevada and Utah, PWong may have found his home within our Community.

Tune in to follow Patrick’s journey as he explains what it takes to be in the Brewing scene. Currently behind the scenes at Squatter/Wasatch, while he continues to let the beer speak for itself.

Ep. 151: Teri Mumm – Utah Brewers Guild’s Secret Weapon

On this Episode, we sit down with Teri Mumm. Teri has been wearing multiple hats while living in Utah. With organizational development skills, Teri knows how to assist in a non-profit organizations. Current Executive Director within the “Utah Brewers Guild,” Teri continues to encourage participation amongst the Community.

Tune in as we get to know Teri in more of a in-depth conversation. If you have questions for Teri or want to learn more about her, please reach out through all social media handles.