Ep. 165: Salt Flats Spirits w/Trent and Rachel

On this Episode, we sit down in the heart of Salt Flats Brewery with Trent and Rachel! Within the walls of the Brewery is also the Distillery. With Trent Moore at the helm and a newly upgraded Still, Salt Flats Spirits continues to grow and impress! With a beautiful line up of Spirits and Cocktails in a Can, Salt Flats Spirits brings home award after award.

Tune more to hear a deeper story from both Trent and Rachel. Also, what is new and exciting for the team at Salt Flats Spirits. Keep an eye out for new releases and exciting news soon to come!

Ep. 164: Greg Schoenwolf – The Bearded Swan

On this Episode, one of the most genuine humans within the Utah’s Community, Greg Schoenwolf, joins us as we hear more of his story. For any and all who come in contact with Greg will immediately feel a sense of love and appreciation.

Tune in to learn more of Greg’s journey as it takes him from “Plie” to being a loving husband & father and everything in between. You can catch Greg slinging bier within the walls of TF Brewing in SLC or embarking of craft Mead within the walls of his home.

Ep. 163: Drip IV Utah – Mobile IV Therapy

To continue along the path of health and well-being, we have decided to showcase our friends from Drip IV Utah! Backed by an experienced medical control group, Drip IV Utah can administer IV’s to help eliminate dehydration, migraines, colds, & hangovers! Formulated with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, Drip IV can benefit you in many ways. Also, THEY ARE 24/7 & MOBILE!! That’s right, they COME TO YOU!!

Next time you feel yourself feeling low on energy, dehydrated or sick, give Drip IV Utah a try! It is cheaper than going to the Hospital, ER or Instacare. Head to dripivutah.com or call/text 3853016279 for a booking! Tell them we sent you and feel your body thanking you for making the right choice.